Multitude achieves the highest B Corp score in the Dutch agency world

June 19, 2024
Creative agency Multitude has reached a new milestone by achieving the highest B Corp score within the Dutch agency world. With a score of 104.8, an increase of over 10 points from their previous score, Multitude is fully committed to sustainability and social impact.

A logical development
After Multitude’s founding, it quickly became clear that their passion lay in collaborations with mission-driven organizations. A logical consequence of this was B Corp certification in 2020. Rozemarijn Koopmans, co-founder of Multitude, explains: “We were already a very mission-driven company, but the B Corp certification sharpened our focus on areas for improvement. This year, we successfully achieved the highest B Corp score in our sector.” Multitude works with clients such as Triodos, Patagonia, Diversion, COC Netherlands, and Greenpeace.

What does the new B Corp score mean for Multitude?
“The new B Corp score is very important to us,” says Koopmans. “It has taught us that there is always room for improvement. We are already working on the next three years.” Since their certification in 2020, Multitude has seen significant growth in the B Corp community. “There is now truly a B Corp wave sweeping through the agency world,” says Koopmans. “The larger the community, the better. We want to contribute to this movement and have been screened by the SDG House to ensure that each project aligns with at least one Sustainable Development Goal.

The role of sustainability and ethics
For Multitude, impact-driven entrepreneurship is not a side issue. Koopmans: “Every client we work with has impact-driven entrepreneurship in their DNA. Ignoring the world around you is really radical to me. We are aware of sustainability, privacy, and human rights, and take our responsibility in these areas seriously. Our 3 P’s: planet, people, and privacy, are the core of our approach.”

Client reactions
The new score has elicited positive reactions from clients. “Our way of working, which contributes to their impact, is greatly appreciated. Some clients even require B Corp certification as a condition for collaboration,” says Koopmans.

Looking to the future
Founders Nick Topp and Rozemarijn Koopmans look back with pride on the past years but also focus on the future. “For instance, we wish we had switched to a sustainable bank earlier. But we continue to improve ourselves and strive for even greater social impact.”

With this dedication and vision, Multitude remains a leading force in the agency world and an inspiration for other agencies seeking to add social value. Last year, Multitude launched their Ethical Marketing Checklist, which other agencies can also use when setting up ethically responsible campaigns.